
The Law Of Attraction Is A Law Of Opposition



Everybody knows the law of attraction and how it works. Light attracts light. Darkness attracts darkness. Pain attracts pain. Hate attracts hate. And love attracts love. It seems.

However, do you really know the depth of this law? Have you ever wonder why when you do everything you are supposed to, it is still not coming your way? You are doing everything you can to achieve your goals, but the hardest you try, the worst it gets. You are loving and caring, but you attract a lot of hateful and uncaring individuals. You are honest and righteous, but get lied to a lot. Why?

You think you are doing something wrong and that something is wrong with you. Thing is, if you are doing everything that you are supposed to be doing to make yourself and your situation better, there is nothing wrong with you. You are doing what you are supposed to and everything is happening the way it is supposed to happen.

Everything will make sense after I broke it down to you.

The law of attraction is a law of opposition. What it means is that the Universe will provide and show you the exact way to your goal. However, the way to your goals, may be an ugly one. In order for you to capture a diamond, you might have to explore a dark gloomy humid cave. And the diamond lies down down deep. The deeper you will go into that cave, the darker and the colder it will get. You will cry. You will feel disorientated. You will feel discouraged. You will question if it’s the right direction. You will question your Faith. You will wonder if the Universe works with or against you. You will even fear for your life. You will  basically go through a range of myriad emotions that will make you want to give up.

Because you thought asking for a diamond, would give you the diamond.

This is not how the Universe works. The law of attraction is a law of opposition.

You ask for a diamond. The Universe hears your request so it replies: “I know where diamonds are. They are in the depth of the gloomiest caves.” And the Universe sends you on your way to capture diamonds. While you might think it’s crazy, it makes perfect sense according to the law of attraction.

  • In order to know what love is, you need to experience what love isn’t, the hard way
  • In order to know what success is, you need to experience what success isn’t
  • In order to know what wealth is, you need to experience what poverty is
  • In order to know what health is, you might have to experience sickness (physical or mental)
  • In order to know what a true friend is, you might have to be around a fake one
  • In order to know what real family is, unfortunately, you might have to grow up in an abusive one
  • In order to know what a great marriage is, you might have to go through divorce

If you don’t know what hate is, how could you possibly know what love is? If you don’t know darkness, you can’t know light…

It teaches you to be grateful for whatever you think is granted.

The law of attraction is a law of opposition. But it really works. It works if you understand the depth of it. It works if you understand that the Universe logic is different from our logic. The Universe logic is a divine logic. You want to align with your purpose; it will show you what you need to go through in order to be in alignment.

Now, everything is up to you. The Universe shows you the way to the life you want. Are you going to align and trust the divine logic or are you going to back up?

No matter what you decide, once you make a request, no matter what you do, the Universe will try to pull you away. It will pull you like a magnet. You can try to go the other way if you want, but something, an invisible force, will always try to pull you towards what you desire.

You can be in denial for years if you want. But, deep down inside, you feel the magnetic force pulling you, asking for you to align with it.

This magnetic force governs the Universe… Or does the Universe govern this magnetic force? No clue. All I know is we’re all subjected to it. Even animals. This magnetic force has been scientifically proven to exist.

It is Earth magnetic field that allows birds to find their way when they migrate.

It is Earth magnetic field that allows salmons to find their way back home.

It is Earth magnetic field that makes dogs spin around before they poop (they want to be aligned with the magnetic force before taking a shyt).

There are so many other examples of  this magnetic force, that it’s hard to deny.

Animals and plants don’t fight it. Humans are the only ones who fight it. And  that’s why we’re messed up.

Today, I want you to stop using the law of attraction to beat yourself up. If you are doing everything you are suppose to be doing, there is nothing wrong with you.

The Universe is orchestrating everything for your come up, even if you hate the way the music sounds.

So next time you request something specific, I want you to realize your higher self hears you and it will deliver exactly what you ask for.

Just align with it.






18 thoughts on “The Law Of Attraction Is A Law Of Opposition

  1. Such a timely synchronistic post for me. This summed up a lot of recent physical suffering in the cave I’m experiencing. It is all about balancing these opposites. Thank you very much for the challenging and encouraging post. Very synchronistic and beautiful to me hearing the Universe speak this way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your time omega.

      The Universe speaks in such strange ways. It is frightening to us because we are visual creatures who need to perceive in other to believe. It’s hard to go after something our perception can’t quite grasp. Once we understand our world better, we can align with it like the plants and the animals.

      I wish you the best on your journey and always remember, there is light at the end. Whatever it is you are going through right now, there are diamonds in your cave. And once you find the diamonds, you will see sun-rays showing you the exit. Just keep up and you will see 😉

      Infinite peace and wisdom!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. True! All contrasts come our way to give us more clarity and intensity towards our desires. The path unfolds with lights flickering every step of the way …not showing all the way, at all times. Choices look insane at times but they are the ones leading towards what we asked for …Universe is leading us exactly where we asked to be …

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You ask for a diamond. The Universe hears your request so it replies: “I know where diamonds are. They are in the depth of the gloomiest caves.” And the Universe sends you on your way to capture diamonds. – For me it’s a beautiful way to understand the seemingly tough moments that form a part of the life I have chosen to live

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your time.

      It’s a great thing to follow your own path. It’s an ongoing process that takes a lot of resilience and perseverance but it is so much more rewarding. I’m sending you vibes full of positive energy.

      A diamond is very hard to catch. But you know what I’ve realized not so long ago? Often time on our path, we collect less shiny ones without even realizing we do. Because they are so small! Those small diamonds I like to see them as micro accomplishments. They are as important as the big shiny ones we seek!

      The importance of celebrating your micro accomplishments

      Celebrate Your Micro Accomplishements

      Infinite peace and wisdom!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your time. And yes it is indeed what life is all about. Your greatest growth lies in your greatest fears. Therefore overcoming what you fear the most will be your greatest strength.

        Infinite peace and wisdom!


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