
Are We All Self-Deluded?

It’s 10am eastern time right now and I’ve been up since 4am. I’ve realized I didn’t post anything here yet…

Well, to tell you the truth, lately I don’t how to translate my thoughts into readable words.

The things that make sense for me may not make sense for you at all and I do know this.

You have your share of personal experiences and it’s something I highly respect.

I don’t think I’m special nor unique. I’m the same as you are. This separation is the greatest illusion of all time, my friend.

Somewhere deep in your heart you know this to be true.

Why do we hurt? Why do we hate? Why do we lie? Why do we control? Why do we get addicted? Because sometimes the reflection we see in others is self-deluded.


Infinite love, health, healing, wealth, success, happiness, awareness, peace and wisdom your way




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