
Finding Happiness Within

The number one unhappiness cause on Earth is lack of love. Lack of self-love to be more precise. We tend to expect others to make us happy. We look for love in all the wrong places. We believe our pet, our boss, our colleagues, our spouse, our friends, our family, our car, our jewellery are responsible for our happiness. Most people rely on external factors to find their happiness. Many people love conditionally, they love “if.” I made an article about the difference between unconditional and conditional love here you might want to check it out. Well, I used to be guilty of that a little. And I’ve dated few people who turned to me for their own individual fulfillment. Maybe you’ve dated people like that too. If you did, they probably left you for someone else thinking they would find that missing piece. Truth is, the missing piece can never be found in others. I feel like we hear that one a lot without necessarily knowing what it means because a lot of us have no sense of true purpose in life other than being  in a relationship. While there’s nothing wrong with that, others will never truly complete your life, if you are half. There will always be something wrong. If you ask people that have been together for a very long time they will tell you the reason why their relationship works is because they are allowed to grow individually. If you make your partner your purpose, when they leave, if they ever leave, that means your purpose leaves. You are empty. Likewise, if you compare happy mothers at home versus unhappy ones, they will tell you they didn’t put the responsibility for their own individual happiness all on their kids. They still had something to hold on to once their children left. Unhappy mothers at home are left empty when their kids leave because their purpose leaves. So whether we want to admit it or not, the true key in happiness is self-love. What it means is that we need to live more meaningfully. If you want a cake, stop waiting for someone to bring you one, just bake it yourself and enjoy it. Find a purpose other than finding your soulmate. When you find your purpose, your soulmate will find you. And if you already found your soulmate, that means you are living your purpose. Likewise, if you are a parent at home, do not put the responsibility of your own individual happiness all on your family. It will result in a much happier version of yourself and your family will thank you. While our partner, our family or our friends can ENHANCE our already found happiness, they surely cannot be responsible for it. We need to understand and remember at all time that at the end of the day, we remain our own individual. And as individuals, we are constantly all called to expand, progress and grow.

I wish infinite love, health, healing, wealth, success, happiness, awareness, peace and wisdom upon your soul.














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